Monday, January 25, 2016

Thyroid Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland which is there in the front of the neck. The thyroid gland produces two kinds of hormones. One of which is responsible for regulating the heart rate, energy levels and body temperature. And the other one controls the level of calcium in the body. The thyroid cancer is a medical condition, where the cells are produced and divided in the thyroid gland but then these wouldn’t die. In the body new cells are producing all the time and the die at the same rate and that is why there is a harmony. 

This harmony is broken by the birth if the cells which are consistently growing and dividing but these would not die. This abnormal growth of cells in the thyroid gland would be called thyroid cancer. Every disease has a set of symptoms and thyroid cancer is no different. The cancer growth in the thyroid glad could be indicated by the lump or noodle surfacing up on the front neck just near the Adam’s apple. In case you are finding it difficult to talk or are feeling hoarseness could be an indication of thyroid cancer. Lymph nodes get swollen in the neck. The person affected by the thyroid cancer would have problems breathing and swallowing things and would be experiencing pain in the neck and the throat. 

All these symptoms would not necessary say that the person has thyroid cancer. These are indication that would call for a check up to know the root cause which may or may not be thyroid cancer. Physical examination by the doctor, a blood test, Radionuclide scanning and Biopsy would be the ways of ensuring if these symptoms are the indication of thyroid cancer. The breaking of the news to a person about the thyroid cancer could be quite dramatic in nature and would be shocking and stressful not only for the patient but also for the family. It is important that the patient is supported by the family so that he is positive all the time. This would help many folds during the treatment process. Ideally the treatment should start within few weeks of the diagnoses. 

The doctor would refer you to the specialists who can treat cancer. The specialist would undertake various procedures to rest the cancer, depending upon the ground realities of the patient. Surgeons, medical oncologists, endocrinologists & radiation oncologists are certain treatment options. During the entire process the doctor and the patient should be talking in depth about the decision around the treatment. It would be a good idea to take a second opinion on the advice given buys the first doctor. This doesn’t mean that you are distrusting the doctor; it is just a way to be very sure about what you are getting into. Finally when a treatment is decided, the same should be explained clearly to the patient and the patient should agree with the same and only then the same could be proceeded with a positive outlook is indispensable.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Methods of Thyroid Treatment in Kolkata

Thyroid complications become common with many people suffer from it. The most common type of thyroid disorder is goiter and thyroiditis. The other is hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Graves' disease, the thyroid cancer, thyroid nodules, and thyroid storm. Actually thyroid is a small gland located at the front of the neck. Producing glands and also the secret of the various types of hormones. Its main function is to provide energy to all the cells and tissues of the body. They spread throughout the body. Nowadays, with the advancement of medical science, some types of thyroid effective treatment available.

€ Drugs for troubleshooting

There are some doctors usually prescribe drugs that act very slowly in the production of thyroid hormones. It is very common for the treatment of complications, known as hyperthyroidism. However, there are alternatives to this treatment. If the drugs do not produce effective results for curing hyperthyroidism, doctors recommend radioactive iodine. Some specific medications work to flatten the metabolism in the body. It also contains some side effects include itching in the body, joint pain, decreased white blood cell count and liver problems. If you opt for this method of treatment to make sure that you follow the clear instructions.

€ Radioactive Iodine

You should be aware of the fact that ordinary iodine present in common salt is indispensable for the body. Deficiency can cause goiter and other complications. However, your doctor may suggest to radioactive iodine test if he suspects that the person is suffering from thyroid problems. Patients were given very low doses of iodine in the test so as to test thyroid function. In many cases, these tests are also done to end the over production of thyroid hormones.

If someone is suffering from thyroid cancer is lethal, this method is very effective at killing cancer cells. But patients given large doses of radioactive iodine. However, it is also important to understand the risk factors involved with treatment. The most common side effects associated with this treatment is the swelling of the thyroid gland and the development of hypothyroidism.

Hormones € Drugs

Hormone drugs are usually prescribed by a doctor in case of not being able to produce enough thyroid hormone. Hormonal drugs are usually available in pill form and is taken so as to produce hormones that are not produced by the body. The pill must be taken every day. These pills are not only effective in increasing the amount of hormones but they are also being prescribed to individuals suffering from thyroid cancer. These medicines will prevent the recurrence of cancer after it has been treated completely. The Thyroid Treatment in Kolkata is very effective and you can choose for each method as recommended by the doctor.